Thursday, October 29, 2009

House project day

This is what the yard looked like at 10 am today. Fog!! And I have been envisioning how the yard and field would look with fog. I knew it would be beautiful and it was as good as I thought it would look.

I don’t know how it happened but both Greg & I worked on house projects today.
I ventured into Home Depot yesterday to get the plastic and duct tape that Greg needed to cover our windows. I couldn’t decide between buying the kits (premeasured plastic) or buying 1 large sheet and letting Greg cut it down to sized. Being that the kits were too small, the large sheet won and seems to be working well. Although it appears that I bought cheap tape and it may or may not hold up until April.

So Greg’s house project was covering windows.
He aimed to do 4 but got 6 done - one whole side of windows. Only 6 more to go!!! Now I hope that it will help cut down on the electric usage this heating season.

Oh he also started the day by raking the leaves from Miss Maple in back. Problem is Miss Maple had green leaves 4 days ago – today they are all yellow and nearly all out of the tree. Our next leaf pickup is not until Nov. 24. So yes we have a nice clean yard but look at what is sting in the back just calling some nice sweet little hoodlum!!! Oh well Greg takes pride in a nice clean yard and understands that boys or girls will be children. Question is will it be the 4 year old boy next door or the 43 year old woman that lives in Greg’s house that attacks that pile???

Now my projects included destinking the house and then again stinking it up. I could smell a strong kitty smell and went in search of finding it – and I did :( Problem solved and when I walk into the living room I can smell the scent of the scented trash bags!!!

Then I stank it back up by starting the sauerkraut!!! Yippee this is the last project from the garden.


  1. Beautiful view of the fog!
    I haven't started my leaf raking yet, we've had too many rainy days, it hasn't been dry enough. With my hip hurting like it is, I think I'm just going to use the leaf blower anyway. I live in a mobile home park, so I have just a small yard.

  2. Thanks Shari I really like the fog pic also. We also have a small yard but it opens to the field in back.

  3. Fog is so pretty, we started our leaves yesterday also...and did dive in the pile...who can resist! We have a lonnnng list of winter prep projects & I need to get started! Found you through down to earth!

  4. How is the sauerkraut coming along? I don't even remember how long it takes for it to ferment or whatever it is that it does before you can eat it?
